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Osrs How to Get to Theatre of Blood

Theatre of Blood

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Why do Theatre of Blood?
  3. Requirements/Recommendations
  4. Gear/Inventory Setup
  5. General Overview
  6. The Bosses
    • The Maiden of Sugadinti
    • Pestilent Bloat
    • Nylocas Vasilias
    • Sotetseg
    • Xarpus
    • Verzik Vitur
  7. Conclusion


I'm hoping this guide can help those players learn how to do the raid effectively. As the title says, this will mostly be a guide for beginners. I won't be covering the advanced strategies that some of the more experienced teams and players may have. If there is a desire for that, I can make that into a separate guide, but this guide will focus on teaching the players new to the raid how to complete it.

Why do Theatre of Blood?

Theatre of Blood is end-game PVM content on OldSchool RSPS and is therefore very rewarding in terms of gold, skilling supplies, and gear.

Monetary Rewards

For the monetary rewards, you're given a certain amount of gold for each of the 6 bosses that you complete in Theatre of Blood without dying. This scales depending on the size of your team, as follows:

  1.     500k - 1000k
  2.     400k - 850k
  3.     350k - 750k
  4.     300k - 650k
  5.     250k - 500k

So, for example if you personally go deathless in a 3-man raid, you'll receive anywhere from 2.1m to 4.5m upon completion of the raid. If you die on a boss, you do not receive the gold for that boss so in this example your total gold upon completion of the raid would drop to 1.75m - 3.75m.

Skilling Supplies

For the skilling supply rewards, the following items are on the drop table. You'll receive 3 rolls total upon completion of every raid, so this means 3 rolls on the skilling table.  The rolls on this table are completely random and not weighted at all.

Yew seed: 2

Magic seed: 1 - 4

Molten Glass: 300 - 500

Vial of Blood: 31 - 90

Death Rune: 750 - 1000

Blood Rune: 750 - 1000

Battlestaff: 30 - 50

Adamantite Ore: 94 - 140

Runite Ore: 43 - 116

Coal: 374 - 395

Gold Ore: 250 - 348

Ranarr Weed: 75 - 100

Toadflax: 75 - 100

Irit Leaf: 75 - 100

Avantoe: 75 - 100

Dwarf Weed: 75 - 100

Snapdragon: 75 - 100

Cadantine: 75 - 100

Lantadyme: 75 - 100

Torstol: 75 - 100

Cadantine Seed: 2 - 4

Lantadyme Seed: 2 - 4

Dwarf Weed Seed: 2 - 4

Snapdragon Seed: 2 - 4

Torstol Seed: 2 - 4

Rune Dart Tips: 200 - 400

Dragon Dart Tips: 50 - 100


And finally onto the unique drops. There are a total of 7 unique pieces of gear that you can obtain from Theatre of Blood, as well as a pet. Unique items are awarded to a raid party at a rate of 1/8. If there are multiple players in the party, then the unique item will be randomly given to one player. So if you're in a 5-man team then the chance of you getting a unique is 1/40. In a 4-man team it's 1/32. And so on. The pet is awarded at a rate of 1/650 per player. After hitting the unique table, the unique item that is awarded is chosen based on a weighting system according to the following weights:

MolO03c.png Avernic Defender Hilt: 8

Cj8Lraa.png Justiciar Faceguard: 7

vI05gj4.png Ghrazi Rapier: 6

FVqdf5G.png Sanguinesti Staff: 5

tDXJHkp.png Justiciar Chestguard: 4

geFYLsX.png Justiciar Legguards: 4

8UpY1oQ.png Scythe of Vitur: 3

As an example, since the sum of the weights is 37 this means that on average you'll receive 3 Scythes of Vitur out of 37 total unique items.


There are no strict requirements for Theatre of Blood. This means you can start the raid with whatever stats you want, but obviously you'll have a much tougher time if your stats are lacking. Unlike Chambers of Xeric, the Theatre of Blood raid is entirely combat-focused, so for the most part my skill recommendations are only combat stats. The recommended stats are:

siWhm0q.png 90+ Hitpoints

nxSX1A5.png?1 90+ Attack

8Y7iEFN.png 90+ Strength

0L3PNQR.png 90+ Defense

oYEBTTG.png 90+ Range

Vj9hZaT.png 80+ Mage

hYMjo9c.png 70+ Prayer (or 74+ if you have Rigour unlocked)

And lastly my only non-combat skill recommendation:

wkznUhM.png 50+ Agility (since many bosses involve lots of running)

Again, these are not strict requirements but rather recommendations so that you can pull your own weight in your raid party.

Gear/Inventory Setup

Below are 2 sample gear/inventory setups. The first is for those of you with max or nearly max gear, and the second is more of a budget setup.

Max Setup

PrrLA26.png CKD0n1E.png

Budget Setup

x4FpVL5.png lGENp0r.png

Starting with the gear, we're going to be prioritizing offensive range bonuses because the majority of your damage throughout the raid will be done with range (unless you're a more experienced player).

  • Elite Void - Offers better range DPS than Armadyl armor so we're going to take advantage of that here. Regular void is a suitable substitute.
  • Necklace of Anguish - Best-in-slot range necklace. Use Fury you don't have Anguish.
  • Ava's Assembler - Best-in-slot range cape. Use Ava's Accumulator/Attractor if you don't have the Assembler.
  • Pegasian Boots - Best-in-slot range boots. Use God Dragonhide Boots if you don't have Pegs.
  • Archer's Ring(i) - Best-in-slot range ring. Use the unimbued version if yours is not imbued.
  • Twisted Bow + Dragon Arrows - Best-in-slot range weapon. If you do not have Twisted Bow, your primary range weapon will instead be the Toxic Blowpipe (with addy or rune darts).

Onto the inventory:

  • Melee + Mage Void Helms - You do need all 3 attack style in this raid, so we bring all 3 variations of Void armor.
  • Scythe of Vitur - If you have a Scythe, this will be your primary melee weapon.
  • Ghrazi Rapier + Avernic Defender - If you have a Scythe, this will be your secondary melee weapon that you'll only use during the first phase of the Nylocas boss. Otherwise, this will be your primary melee weapon. This can be replaced by a Tenatcle Whip/Abyssal Whip/Dragon Defender.
  • Amulet of Torture - Best-in-slot melee amulet. If you don't have Torture then use a Fury.
  • Infernal Cape - Best-in-slot melee cape. Use Fire Cape if you don't have it.
  • Dragon Warhammer - This is a VERY important spec weapon in this raid, since many of the bosses have extremely high defensive stats. Without at least 1 DWH on your team, you're going to have a bad time. Another option is a BGS, but that won't be as effective as a DWH. You can bring another spec weapon if you don't have either of these but it's not really necessary.
  • Toxic Blowpipe - If you do have a Twisted Bow, then you'll still want to bring along a Toxic Blowpipe for the Nylocas room (more on that later). This will be your primary range weapon if you do not have a Twisted Bow. I'd say you can go as low as adamant darts here, but I wouldn't recommend going any lower than that.
  • Sanguinesti Staff - Your primary mage weapon. This can be replaced by a Trident of the Seas/Swamp.
  • Salve Amulet(ei) - One of the bosses (Pestilent Bloat) is classified as undead so the Salve Amulet provides a good damage boost there. The unenchanted/unimbued version is fine since those still work with melee.
  • Potions - The amount of potions you go in with isn't all that important because, unless you die a lot, you'll get plenty of points to buy more potions within the raid. If you're still learning, I'd recommend going with something similar to what I have in the screenshot.

General Overview

Before diving into the intricacies of each boss in the raid, here are just some general pieces of information about the raid that are good to know.

  • There are a total of 6 bosses in the raid. The order of the bosses does not change so you will always fight all 6 bosses in the same order every time.
  • Upon exiting a boss room after defeating the boss, your hitpoints and prayer will be restored so don't waste supplies by healing up when the boss is just about dead.
  • Landing DWH specs on each boss (except Nylocas Vasilias, really) is very important. You'll want to land at least 2 total DWH specs on each boss.
  • Upon defeating a boss, you will receive a number of points that can be spent at the chest which will be available after the 2nd and 4th bosses. You will not receive any points for a boss if you died during that boss. The items you can buy from this chest are shown below:


The Bosses

Now I'll go through the mechanics of each of the 6 bosses.

The Maiden of Sugandinti


Maiden is probably the simplest boss in terms of the mechanics of the fight, but she can dish out a lot of damage so this can turn into the hardest boss if you don't play it right.

  • Range is the only combat style you need to use on this boss, so equip your full range gear.
  • Maiden's primary attack is a magic attack that looks like a black tornado. The damage will be lessened by praying Protect from Magic, but this will not block all the damage. This attack will only be directed at the player closest to Maiden so you can use this to juggle the aggro if a team member is low health.
  • Maiden's other attack is launched once in a while where a blood projectile is thrown at every player and also randomly around the room. You can simple move 1 square before the projectile splats on the ground in order to dodge this attack.
    • Some of the blood splats on the ground will spawn blood monsters. These will roam randomly around the room and leave a trail of blood behind them. Standing in this trail of blood deals very high tick damage so you want to avoid that at all costs. Less-experienced teams may choose to kill these blood monsters so that they do not overwhelm you.
  • The first time Maiden reaches 70%, 50%, and 30% hitpoints, she will spawn a number of spiders that will simply walk towards Maiden and heal her when they get there. Unless you're going for some speed records, you can just ignore these spiders and let them heal Maiden.


Pestilent Bloat


Another pretty simple boss, mechanics wise.

  • You'll be meleeing this boss so equip your best melee gear. As mentioned earlier, Bloat is also classified as undead so equip your Salve Amulet if you brought one.
  • Bloat walks or runs around the square of the room throughout the fight. If you are ever in his line of sight (i.e. in front of him on the same side of the square he is on), you will take a lot of damage. So, what you basically need to do is follow Bloat as he moves around the room so that he is never looking at you.
  • Sometimes Bloat can abruptly change the direction in which he's walking around the room, so be prepared to turn around and start running the other way.
  • As Bloat is moving around the room, dismembered hands and feed will fall from the ceiling and land on the ground. If one lands on you, you take a big hit of damage and are stunned for a few seconds so do your best to avoid these or you will likely die.
  • After a little while of running around the room, Bloat will stop moving and take a rest for a bit. This is your window to attack him. You can get 5 or 6 whip/rapier hits in before he gets up and starts moving again, so once you land your hits get ready to start running around the room again.


Nylocas Vasilias

1st Phase Mechanics

There are two phases to this room so I'll talk about them individually. The first phase doesn't involve the boss. Instead you're just killing waves of minions that are attempting to take down the 4 pillars:

  • White spiders can only be damaged by melee, green can only be damaged by ranged, and blue can only be damaged by mage.
    • Attacking a spider with the wrong attack style will reflect some damage onto you.
  • The small spiders have 11hp, and the large spiders have 22. Upon killing a large spider, small spider(s) will spawn in its place.
    • Since the spiders don't have much hp, using fast weapons here is generally preferred over high hitting, slow weapons. This means whip/rapier for melee, blowpipe for ranged, and trident/sanguinesti staff for mage.
  • If you attack a large spider it will aggro on you, and each color spider will always attack you with melee so keep protect from melee on. Small spiders will not aggro on you.
  • If a pillar falls, everyone on your team takes a big hit of damage. If all 4 pillars fall, you lose.
  • Since big spiders stay aggroed on you (thus taking them away from attacking the pillars) but killing them results in more small spiders spawning, the general strategy is to only attack the big spiders once but don't kill them immediately. This way you can wait to kill them until you know you can handle more small spiders spawning, like towards the end of the fight, for example.
  • It really depends on team size and skill level, but generally it's easiest to split up your team so each member only has to focus on 1 combat style and only attacks 1 color of spiders.

2nd Phase Mechanics

Once the waves of spiders stop and you kill all of the ones that have spawned, the boss spider will spawn.

  • The boss spider will randomly cycle through the 3 colors, and like the minion spiders it can only be damaged by the correct attack style for its current color.
  • Attacking it with the wrong style heals the boss and also reflects the damage onto you.
  • The boss always attacks in the style of its current color. E.g. if it is blue it will be attacking you with magic and can only be damaged by magic.
  • The boss will switch to the next color after a short amount of time so you don't have too much time to get attacks in before you have to switch to the next prayer and attack style. If your switches are fast, you can manage to do 2 melee hits with whip/rapier/scythe, 3 ranged hits with a blowpipe, and 2 magic hits with a trident/sanguinesti staff. If your switches are slow, you're better off trying to do fewer attacks. Better to do fewer attacks than risk healing the boss and getting your damage reflected.
  • The boss can attack pretty quickly after switching to the next color, and its max hit is 70. So, I like to prioritize getting my correct prayer up before worrying about switching to the correct combat style to attack. Getting good at your F keys will help immensely here since you'll need to switch between prayer book and inventory often and quickly.
  • If you're still learning, it's good to keep your switches to a minimum here so that you can maximize your damage on each color and not waste an attack because you switched too slowly. If you're using void, it's very doable to do just a 2-way switch with your helm and weapon.


Small note about the video here: You may have noticed during the boss phase that I frequently walked towards and away from the boss throughout the fight. This is a more advanced tactic that I've come up with, but I'll try to explain it here for anyone curious since it's in the video. This is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL and I wouldn't recommend trying it until you get more comfortable with the boss. Basically, there are 2 important mechanics here:

  1. If you are within melee range when Nylocas switches to the melee form, you can get meleed instantly without having any time to turn your prayer on. For this reason, I make sure I'm standing 2 squares away from Nylocas when it's about to switch forms so that I can never get hit by this instant attack.
  2. Since your ranged and magic attacks take time to travel through the air before they hit Nylocas, if you're standing far away it is possible that Nylocas will switch forms before your attack lands, thus healing Nylocas and recoiling the damage to you. For this reason, I make sure that I'm standing right next to Nylocas while attacking so that I can make sure my attacks land as quickly as possible.

Putting these 2 things together, you'll see that I step towards the boss to get my attacks in, and then 2 steps away from the boss before it has a chance to change forms. All of this movement combined with the prayer switches and gear switches can be overwhelming for newer players, which is why I wouldn't recommend trying this method until you're comfortable with the boss. Instead, you can either choose to always stand next to the boss with the knowledge that you may get insta-meleed at some point, or you can always stand 2 squares away with the knowledge that you may not be able to get as many attacks in per phase since your final attack may hit Nylocas on the wrong form.



It's quite easy to wipe on this next boss, so team cohesion is very important here.

  • Melee might be more optimal damage here, but range is easier so that's what is covered by this beginner guide.
  • Sotetseg attacks with both red and grey projectiles. The red projectiles are magic, and the grey projectiles are ranged.
    • Praying correctly will block 100% of the damage from these attacks.
    • Praying incorrectly means you will take damage from the attack and it will also disable your prayers for a few seconds. It is very easy to get comboed out after getting hit once since your prayer may still be disabled when the next attack hits you, thus resetting the timer on your disabled prayers.
    • After hitting a player, the projectiles will split into 2 more projectiles of random colors and target 2 random players.
    • Because of all the bouncing projectiles, it's very possible to get hit by 2 projectiles of different colors at the same time, thus damaging you and disabling your prayers no matter what you do. This is what makes this boss so dangerous.
  • After 10 magic attacks, Sotetseg will launch a large ball (aka the nuke) at a random player. This nuke deals damage by splitting it among all the players within a 3x3 area of the person the nuke lands on. Here is where team cohesion is important. Everyone needs to meet up around the person that is getting nuked so that the damage is split among everyone and no one gets 1 hit.
  • When Sotetseg reaches 66% and 33% hp, it starts a "maze" phase.
    • During this phase, only 1 player can see the entire maze, so their objective is to run through the maze.
    • The other players do not see the full maze, and instead will only see the squares that the player running the maze stops on. By running to these same tiles, these players will be able to run the correct path through the maze.
    • If any player steps off the path of the maze, they will take damage.
    • A tornado attack chases the players through the maze, so if you are too slow to run through the maze then you will take damage from the tornado.



1st Phase Mechanics

Yet another boss with multiple phases. This one has a whopping 3 phases but the mechanics are actually pretty easy and it's pretty difficult to die. Let's start with the first phase:

  • There is no combat in this phase.
  • Green "exhumed remains" will periodically spawn on the ground and shoot projectiles at Xarpus. Xarpus does not start at full hp, so these projectiles will heal Xarpus.
  • If a player is standing on one of the green remains, it will stop shooting projectiles. After a little while, the remains will disappear and a new one will spawn somewhere else in the room.
  • The goal here is to have a player stand on a green remains as soon after it spawns as possible so that it minimizes the amount hp Xarpus will have going into the next phase.

2nd Phase Mechanics

Once the healing phase is over, it moves onto the first of two combat phases.

  • Start this phase off with DWH specs. You'll want to get at least 2 DWH specs, collectively, onto Xarpus here because he is very tanky in this phase.
  • After the specs, switch to range gear and have your team spread out along the walls of the arena.
  • Throughout the fight, Xarpus will target a random player and shoot a poison projectile at the location where the player is currently standing.
    • When the projectile hits the ground, it explodes in a 3x3 area dealing poison damage and poisoning any player in that area. You can simply walk 2 squares away from where the projectile is about to land in order to dodge it.
    • After hitting the ground, the projectile will break into 2 more projectiles and each will launch at a random player. These projectiles have the same mechanics as the original projectiles except they will NOT split into more projectiles when they land.
    • Anywhere a projectile lands will leave a glob of poison on the ground which will deal continuous poison damage and poison any player standing on it.
  • The poison globs will stay on the ground until the end of the fight, so by standing along the walls of the arena it keeps the center of the room clear in order to make the final phase easier.

3rd Phase Mechanics

When Xarpus reaches 25% hp, STOP ATTACKING IT and wait for the next phase to start. Switch to your melee gear during this transition. Youcan range this phase for optimal damage, but melee is way easier so that's all I'll talk about here as this is a beginner guide.

  • During this phase, Xarpus will sit in the middle of the arena and do nothing but periodically turn and face a different direction.
  • If you attack him while he is facing you, he will deal a huge hit to you and also poison you. Note that this poison will eventually tick for 20 damage at a time so you really don't want to get poisoned here.
  • The simplest way to handle this phase is to wait for him to turn, run to his back, attack once, repeat.
  • You can try to get fancy and get multiple hits in per turn, but the simplest way to do this without dying is to just attack once per turn. There's no need to rush, as you have plenty of time to run to his back and get 1 hit in before he's ready to turn again.
  • If you follow this method, the only time you should ever get hit is if you misclick Xarpus and attack him when you don't mean to. To prevent this you can just right click->walk here to run behind him and then right click->attack once you get there. This way there is no risk of misclicking.


Verzik Vitur

1st Phase Mechanics

And now onto the final boss. This boss has a total of 3 phases, so let's dive right into phase 1.

  • In this phase, the best damage is done with special attacks from the Dawnbringer staff which is on the ground outside of the Xarpus room, however range attacks work well too. So, most teams will ignore the Dawnbringer staff and just use their best range gear to damage Verzik in this phase.
  • Verzik will periodically attack with a magic attack that maxes a 70 through prayer and is capable of 1-shotting you without prayer.
  • During this phase, there are 6 pillars in the room.
  • When Verzik starts the attack, it will target a random player in the room. If that player is standing behind one of the pillars in the room, it will hit the pillar instead and deal damage to it.
  • When a pillar dies, it will collapse to the ground and deal damage to any player standing near it.
  • So the general strategy is to get a few hits off on Verzik. Then, before she starts the attack, run and stand behind a pillar. Once the attack is launched, run back out into the open to get more hits off before the next attack starts, then hide behind the pillar again. When a pillar is about to die use your attacking phase to run and stand near another pillar so that you're prepared to hide behind that different pillar in time for the next Verzik attack.

2nd Phase Mechanics

When Verzik reaches 0 hitpoints, Verzik will move to the center of the room and begin phase 2.

  • Using either melee or range on this phase is acceptable. Usually it depends on how many Dragon Warhammer specs your team lands. If you don't land at least 2, your range weapons will not be very accurate so you're probably better off meleeing in that case.
  • Keep Protect from Mage on.
  • The main attack during this phase is a set of white projectiles that are launched at each player in the room. They explode in a 1x1 area where the player was standing when the attack was launched, so you can simply move 1 square away to dodge all of this damage.
  • Other attacks include:
    • A blue lightning attack launched at 1 player which will bounce to other players. If the player it targets is on the other side of Verzik as the player that it just hit, it will instead bounce to Verzik and the attack will end. For this reason, your team should spread out around Verzik as best as they can.
    • A small, red projectile attack. Protect from Mage blocks this completely so it's nothing to worry about.
  • Throughout the phase, Verzik will spawn different versions of smaller spiders that have their own mechanics.
    • The first possible set is 1 big purple spider and a number of white/green/blue spiders. The big purple spider will heal Verzik every few ticks. The other spiders that are spawned will follow players around the room and explode if they get too close to a player. These do a lot of damage when they explode, so do your best to avoid them. They will explode on their own after a set amount of time.
    • The other is 2 red spiders which will spawn when Verzik is low hp. Immediately when they spawn, Verzik shields herself for a few seconds and will heal any damage done to her. So, switch your attention to the red spiders as fast as you can. When the shield drops you can damage Verzik again. The red spiders will stick around for a little while, and when they disappear they will heal Verzik based on the amount of hitpoints they have left. So, to prevent Verzik from healing too much you want to get these red spiders to low hitpoints.
  • There is 1 more mechanic to deal with in this phase if you are choosing to melee Verzik. If you are within melee range when Verzik starts an attack, she will bodyslam you which knocks you back a few squares and stuns you. While you are stunned, both the white exploding projectiles and the exploding spiders are unavoidable, so you can potentially take a lot of damage if you get stunned.
    • To avoid getting stunned, a good strategy is to stand 1 square away from melee range of Verzik. When Verzik launches an attack, this is your window to get an attack in. Clicking on Verzik at this point will both move you 1 square closer to Verzik which dodges the white exploding white projectile, and you'll also land an attack on Verzik. Then immediately take 1 step back to your original position. This is the pattern you'll want to follow throughout this phase.

3rd Phase Mechanics

But wait; there's more! Once Verzik reaches 0 hitpoints again, the third and final phase will begin.

  • In this phase, Verzik is mobile and will target a player and follow them throughout the room. Verzik's melee attack will hit pretty high, so the tank player should run around the edges of the room to always stay out of melee range.
  • Verzik also attacks with both ranged and magic attacks. The magic attacks look like blue orbs and the ranged attacks look like green spikes. Prayer will not block all of this damage but it will block a big chunk of it, so make sure you pray correctly based on the attack that you see. These attacks target every player in the room.
  • Verzik may again spawn white/green/blue spiders just like in the 2nd phase which will follow you and explode for big damage. Stay on the move when these spiders are around so that you don't get hit by them.
  • Once in a while Verzik will stop attacking and walk to the center of the room, thus beginning the "web" phase. During this phase Verzik will launch webs at the players which land on the ground and stay there until the end of the phase. If you step on a web you will get caught in it and take a big hit of damage. Your teammates can attack the web to free you from it and lessen the damage that you take. If you're in a big team it may be a good idea to walk instead of running during this phase so that you're less likely to cross paths with your teammates.
  • Another special attack that Verzik will do is she will become untargettable and launch yellow projectiles straight up into the air. At this time, yellow dots will spawn randomly around the room -  1 per player. If you are not standing on a yellow dot when the yellow projectile lands on you, you will take a potentially very large hit of damage. Each yellow dot only protects 1 player, so team cohesion is important here to make sure that everyone can get to a yellow dot.
  • Note that these 3 special attacks (spiders, webs, yellow projectiles) are on a set rotation so you can predict what is coming next. It will always be spiders, then webs, then spiders, then yellow, and then the pattern repeats again.
  • Finally, the final mechanic of this boss begins when Verzik reaches 20% hitpoints. At this point, purple tornados will spawn around the room - 1 per player. Each tornado will follow 1 player around the room for the remainder of the fight. If you step into the tornado it will deal 2 big hits to you before it disappears. Then a new tornado will spawn and follow you again. Stay on the move during this part of the fight so that you don't take any of these hits from the tornado since it makes it very easy to get comboed out.



This video was taken before some changes to Verzik's mechanics were made. Verzik's defense will now reset between each phase, so unlike the video you want to make sure to land DWH specs at the beginning of both phase 2 and phase 3. I'll make a new video when I get the chance.


I hope you found this guide useful. There are a ton of mechanics to cover here, so I hope that the text descriptions combined with the video clips give you a good idea of what you're up against. Like anything else, the best way to learn this raid will be to actually do the raid, so hopefully this guide gives you a good starting point to get that first completion :D.

Osrs How to Get to Theatre of Blood
